Last Update: January 3, 2025
Worldwide United Nations Topicals
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AGING......Programs for the Elderly
DISABLED...Programs for the Disabled
DISARM.....UN Disarmament Campaign
FAO........Food and Agriculture Organization
GATT.......General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GLOBAL.....Global Compacts
HABITAT....United Nations Human Settlements Programme
HR.........Human Rights Declaration
IAD........International Asteroid Day
IAEA.......International Atomic Energy Agency
ICAO.......International Civil Aviation Organization
ICC........International Criminal Court
ICI........International Commission in Indo-China
ICJ........International Court of Justice
ICY........International Cooperation Year
IDACL......International Day Against Child Labor
IDANT......International Day Against Nuclear Tests
IDD........International Day of Democracy
IDEP.......International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
IDF........International Day of Friendship
IDH........International Day of Happiness
IDIP.......International Day of Indigenous People
IDLTP......International Day of Living Together in Peace
IDM........International Day of Migrants
IDMA.......International Day for Mine Awareness
IDNV.......International Day of Non-violence
IDOF.......International Day of Families
IDOP.......International Day of Parliamentarism
IDP........International Day of Peace
IDSDP......Int'l Day of Sport for Development and Peace
IDT........International Day of Tolerance
IDWGS......International Day of Women and Girls in Science
IDWIP......International Decade of World's Indigenous People
IDY........International Day of Yoga
IEY........International Education Year
IFAD.......International Fund for Agricultural Development
IHRD.......International Holocaust Remembrance Day
IHSD.......International Human Solidarity Day
IJD........International Jazz Day
ILO........International Labor Organization
ILY........International Literacy Year
IMD........International Mountain Day
IMF........Int'l Monetary Fund, IBRD, World Bank Group, etc.
IMO........International Maritime Organization
IMOOND.....International Moon Day
IRO........International Refugee Organization
ISY........International Space Year
ITU........International Telecommunications Union
ITY........International Tourist Year
IWSD.......International Widows' Day
IYA 2009...International Year of Astronomy
IYAS.......International Year Struggle against Slavery
IYB........International Year of Biodiversity
IYB 2012...International Year of the Bat (2011-2012)
IYC........International Year of the Child
IYC 2011...International Year of Chemistry
IYC 2012...International Year of Cooperatives
IYCP.......International Year for the Culture of Peace
IYCR.......International Year of Crystallography
IYD........International Youth Day
IYDD.......International Year of Deserts and Desertification
IYEP.......International Year for Eradication of Poverty
IYET.......International Year of Ecotourism
IYF........International Year of the Family
IYF 2011...International Year of Forests
IYFF.......International Year of Family Farming
IYFW.......International Year of Freshwater
IYIL.......International Year of Indigenous Languages
IYIP.......International Year of Indigenous People
IYL........International Year of Languages
IYL 2015...International Year of Light and Light-based Tech
IYM........International Year of Mountains
IYMC.......International Year of Microcredit
IYNF.......International Year of Natural Fibres
IYNM.......International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife
IYO........International Year of the Ocean
IYP........International Year of Peace
IYP 2008...International Year of the Potato
IYP 2016...International Year of Pulses
IYPAD......International Year for People of African Descent
IYPE.......International Year of Planet Earth
IYPT.......Int'l Year of Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
IYPT2021...Int'l Year of Peace and Trust
IYQ........International Year of Quinoa
IYRC.......International Year of Rapprochement of Cultures
IYS........International Year of Sanitation
IYS 2015...International Year of Soils
IYSEFA.....Int'l Year of Sustainable Energy for All
IYSH.......International Year of Shelter for the Homeless
IYSIDS.....Int'l Year of Small Island Developing States
IYSPE......International Year of Sport and Physical Education
IYSPP......Int'l Year Solidarity with the Palestinian People
IYT........International Year of Thanksgiving
IYV........International Year of Volunteers
IYWC.......International Year of Water Cooperation
IYY........International Youth Year
IYY 2010...Int'l Year of Youth: Dialogue & Mutual Understand.
MANDELA....Nelson Mandela
PALES......International Palestinian Solidarity Day
PEACE......Peacekeeping Activities
PEOPLE.....People associated with the UN
RACE.......Programs against racial discrimination
REC........Regional Economic Commissions
SEABED.....Peaceful Uses of the Seabed
SPACE......UN Conference on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
SS.........Service Stamps
TECH.......Technical Cooperation Among Developing Countries
TRUST......United Nations Trusteeship Council
UNAIDS.....Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS
UNCTAD.....UN Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP.......United Nations Development Program
UNDRO......United Nations Disaster Relief Office
UNEP.......United Nations Environment Program
UNESCO.....UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
UNFPA......United Nations Population Fund
UNHCR......UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF.....United Nations Children's Fund
UNIDO......UN Industrial Development Organization
UNIFEM.....United Nations Development Fund for Women
UNMAS......United Nations Mine Action Service
UNODC......UN Office on Drugs and Crime
UNPA.......United Nations Postal Administration
UNPAN......United Nations Public Administration Network
UNRRA......UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
UNRWA......UN Relief & Works Agency for Palestine
UNV........United Nations Volunteers
UNWTO......World Tourism Organization
UNYDC......UN Year of Dialogue among Civilizations
UPU........Universal Postal Union
VESAK......Vesak Day
WAAD.......World Autism Awareness Day (April 2nd)
WBID.......World Bicycle Day
WCD........World Cancer Day
WCHD.......World Chess Day
WCY........World Communications Year
WDATP......World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
WDSD.......World Down Syndrome Day
WDSHW......World Day for Safety and Health at Work
WEAAD......World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
WFP........World Food Program
WHO........World Health Organization
WHUD.......World Humanitarian Day (August 19th)
WIPO.......World Intellectual Property Organization
WMO........World Meteorological Organization
WMY........World Mathematical Year 2000
WPY........World Population Year
WRADIO.....World Radio Day (February 13th)
WRY........World Refugee Year
WSD........World Statistics Day
WTDAY......World Toilet Day
WTO........World Trade Organization
WYP........World Year of Physics